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Project Management

3 Reasons for Project Failure

We’ve all been there. You’re part of a big team project, you’ve worked your socks off, and still, the project comes crashing down like a house of cards.

Hey, don’t fret! A lot of the projects – especially those with an IT component – sail into troubled waters. ‘Why?’, you might ask. Keep reading buddy, as we unearth three reasons why projects hit that pesky iceberg – Titanic style!

1. A Lackadaisical Approach to Project Management

Here’s the thing: If you don’t know your destination, you’re going to end up somewhere else. The same goes for projects. An inconsistent approach often leads to a state of confusion. What in the world are we supposed to achieve with this project again? Without a clear aim and a concrete plan, the project is pretty much cruising on choppy seas without a compass or map!

2. Hazy Project Roles

We can all agree that vague project roles are as useful as a chocolate tea kettle! If the team doesn’t know who’s doing what – it’s chaos central. Unclear roles lead to a lack of direction and poor decision-making. This is like assembling a band but forgetting to allocate the roles. Who’s on vocals? Who’s drumming? We don’t know – and the performance, quite predictably, collapses!

3. Lack of Appropriate Expertise

Ever witnessed someone without any culinary skills whatsoever trying to bake a multi-tier cake? Not a pretty sight, right? Equally, not having the right expertise on board can make your project stagger on its last legs. Ill-fitted products, budget overruns, or cost corrections – take your pick!

“But my projects seem successful,” I hear you say. Sure they do – but have they met all the success characteristics – completion, schedule delivery, and financial objectives? Hmm…were all your business objectives met? Was the final product up to snuff? Was it even used? If not, jump on the “project failed” bus.

However, don’t lose heart just yet! A lot of these failures can be chalked up to poor project planning, a weak business case, and ineffective management involvement. And hey, this ain’t even about technical complexity; these are all project management concerns.

Let’s face it – project management is kind of like eating your veggies. You don’t want to do it, but you know it’s good for you. You are not alone in facing these challenges. The good news is that recognizing the common pitfalls and understanding their origins puts us on the path to improvement. By addressing the root causes and implementing sound project planning, clear business cases, and effective management decisions, we can increase our chances of project success and achieve the desired objectives with greater proficiency and finesse.

Max Johnson

Max Johnson is currently a Vice President at a Fortunate 100 company. He has also held multiple leadership positions at two startups previously. When he is not busy working, you can find him surfing at the beach or skiing in the mountains.

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